You’ve finished your doula training, but know aren’t quite sure where to go. Start here for a 6 mo overview on how to get your business training up and off the ground.
Beginning Your Business Week 1
We’re working together to learn how to run our doula business. This video shows us the courses we’ll use and how to access them. Learn more about our doula training at
Working on Building Topical Relevance in our blog posts and a few other tips for optimization. We’ll also continue work on our values, passions, and vision for your company
Using Hubspot’s certification course, we’ll work through learning the inbound methodology with a doula twist. You’ll learn how to attract, convert, close, and delight as a doula business. We’ll also be discussing key strategic indicators from emyth. These are the things that will really help you keep track of your businesses progress as it moves towards your goals and vision.
Fundamentals of Inbound Marketing for Doulas
Using your vision to create a company culture, more help in finding who your market really is and how to reach them in a personalized way.
Additional resources you may find useful:
blog post: Choosing a Name for Your Doula Business
blog post: Help to Balance Doula Work and Family
blog post: Websites for Doulas
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