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As a part of my course, my students are asked to find resources in their area that is related to alternative health care.  I thought a list of just basic resources would also be useful, so here’s my list for my state:  Arizona.


CONTACS (COmmunity NeTwork for ACcessing Shelter)


This service provides help in locating an emergency, homeless, or domestic violence shelter in Maricopa County. When you make the call, the operator will provide current information about available emergency and transitional beds in Maricopa County.


(602) 263-8900 or 1-800-799-7739
24 hours a day, seven days a week
Voice & TTY


The Warm Line

The Warm Line provides supportive, confidential telephone services for persons feeling overwhelmed or just needing to talk. The Warm Line is a friendly telephone support line operated by trained call specialists who offer non-judgmental peer support and actively listen to callers’ concerns, understanding the callers’ perspectives because we’ve also experienced behavioral health issues.


Available Monday – Friday: from 12pm – midnight and Saturday, Sunday: 4pm – midnight. They’re open on holidays.


LA Leche League of Arizona

La Leche League of Arizona offers free mother-to-mother support for women who choose to breastfeed via our Valley Help Line and Monthly Meetings. Membership is not a requirement to receive help or attend a meeting.

Helpline: 602 234-1956

Website where you can find meeting times and places: http://www.freewebs.com/lllofaz/phoenixmetroarea.htm


Arizona Coalition Against Domestic Violence

The Arizona Coalition Against Domestic Violence was formed in 1980 so that concerned citizens and professionals could unite through this state-wide organization to: increase public awareness about the issue of Domestic Violence, enhance the safety of and services for Domestic Violence victims, and reduce the incidence of Domestic Violence in Arizona families. Since its inception, the Coalition has served as an advocate and a voice representing the needs of domestic violence service providers and the victims they serve throughout Arizona. The Coalition has, and will continue to, educate the public about Domestic Violence.


If you are scared and you need to talk call 602-279-2900 or 1-800-782-6400

Office Hours: 8:30am – 5:00pm M-F


Scottsdale Healthcare Community Health Services

Scottsdale Healthcare partners with community members and local businesses, working together to create a healthier Northeast Valley.

Services offered

Free children’s immunization clinics

Infant CPR

Empowering Parents and Kidz Lecture Series, Oh, baby!

Preemie Playgroup

Breast Feeding Support Services

Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support Group


For up-to-date information on times and places visit: http://www.shc.org/Medical+Services/Pediatric+Services/Patient+Education+%26+Resources/Patient+Education+and+Resources


Follow Rachel Leavitt:

Rachel has worked as a register nurse (BSN from University of Utah) since 2004 with a work history in Labor and Delivery, NICU and Postpartum Care. She is also the founder of New Beginnings Doula Training which she organized in 2011. When she's not busy being a mother and grandmother, she can be found reading research papers related to some aspect of childbirth.

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