Thank you for your participation in a doula presentation given by one of our registered students. Please complete all fields below and then submit the form.

(PLEASE NOTE: Upon submission, a copy of your comments will be sent to each of the following: New Beginnings Doula Training, the student presenter, and you as a receipt.)

    Doula's Name*:

    Date of Presentation*:

    1. Why did you come to this class?

    2. Did you find the material presented useful?

    3. Were the handouts useful?

    4. Overall how would you rate the class?

    5. Would you recommend the class to someone else?

    Your email address*:

    (We do not record or collect emails submitted on this form. Your email address will be used to send you a personal receipt of the submitted form.)

    Presenter's email address*:

    (This should be provided by the doula student who made the presentation. Please note: the doula student will also receive a copy of the submitted form. The student email address allows us to identify the student for proper credit.)

    *=Required Fields